Sanskrit  |  Yoga Sūtras  |  Lists
(these are a work in progress)


Abhinivesha  fear of death
Abhyāsa  practice
Adhibhautika  suffering from other beings
Adhidaivika  suffering from nature
Ādhyātmika  suffering from the body or mind
Āgamāh  reliable experts
Agni  fire
Ahamkara  egotism
Ahimsā  non-harming
Akasha  ether
Alabdhabhūmikatva  failure to gain ground
Alasya  physical laziness
Anatman  no-self
Anavasthitatvāni  instability
Aṅga  limb
Anitya  impermanence
Antaraya  impediment
Anumāna  inference, logic
Apāna  prāna responsible for eliminating waste products from the body
Aparigraha  non-grasping
Apas  water
Artha  material wealth
Āsana  posture
Ashtanga  eight limbs
Asmitā  ego
Asteya  non-stealing
Atha  now
Ātman  self
Avidya  ignorance
Avirati  lack of detachment
Bhrānti-darshana  mistaken knowledge
Bhuta  element
Brahma Vihara  sublime state
Brahmacharya  moderation
Buddhi  pure, discriminative intelligence
Citta  mind
Citta Bhumi  state of mind
Dhāranā  concentration
Dharma  truth, duty
Dhyana  meditation
Drastuh  seer
Duhkha  stress
Dvesha  aversion
Ekagra  focused
Guna  quality
Indriya  faculty
Ishvara Pranidhana  surrender
Kaivalya  autonomy
Kama  pleasure
Karuna  compassion
Klesha  affliction
Kriyā  action
Krodha  hatred
Kshipta  completely distracted
Lobha  greed
Maitri  loving-kindness
Manas  thinking mind
Moha  delusion
Moksha  liberation
Mūdha  dull
Mudita  sympathetic joy
Nidra  sleep
Nirodha  stilling
Niruddha  completely absorbed
Niyama  personal observance
Pāda  chapter
Parinama  transformation
Prajna  wisdom
Prakriti  materiality
Pramāda  carelessness
Pramāna  right knowledge
Prāna  life force
Pranayama  yogic breathing
Pratyahara  sense withdrawal
Pratyaksha  direct perception
Prithvi  earth
Purusha  pure consciousness
Purushartha  goal in life
Raga  attachment
Rāja yoga  royal yoga
Rajas  passion
Sadhana  disciplined practice
Samādhi  absorption
Samāna  prāna responsible for digesting nutrients and nourishing the body
Samshaya  doubt
Samskāra  mental impression
Samvega  wholehearted
Sangha  community
Santosha  contentment
Sattva  goodness
Satya  truthfulness
Saucha  purity
Seva  selfless service
Shanti  peace
Shraddha  confidence
Shramana  seeker
Smriti  mindfulness
Styāna  mental laziness
Śuci  pure
Sukha  pleasant
Sūtra  aphorism
Svādhyāya  self-study
Svarūpa  true nature
Tamas  inactivity
Tapas  self-discipline
Tattva  an aspect of reality
Udāna  prāna responsible for upward movements in the body
Upeksa  equanimity
Vairāgya  non-attachment
Vayu  air
Vikalpa  imagination
Vikshipta  partially distracted
Viparyaya  wrong knowledge
Virya  effort
Viveka  discriminative discernment
Vritti  fluctuation
Vyādhi  disease
Vyāna  prāna responsible for circulating all over the body
Yama  social ethics