8 Limbs of Yoga

  1. Yamas: outward behavioral constraints
    • ahimsa (non-harming)
    • satya (truthfulness)
    • asteya (non-stealing)
    • bramacharya (energy mangement)
    • aparigraha (non-possessiveness)
  2. Niyamas: personal observances
    • saucha (purity)
    • santosha (contentment)
    • tapas (self-discipline)
    • svadhyaya (self-study)
    • Ishvara pranidhana (surrender)
  3. Asana: yoga postures (for Patanjali, it referred to sitting for meditation)
  4. Pranayama: yoga breathing techniques
  5. Pratyahara: withdrawal of the senses
  6. Dharana: refers to concentration
  7. Dhyana: the practice of meditation
  8. Samadhi: the ultimate goal of yoga

We might expect the section on postures to cover a lot of the poses we do in yoga classes, but in fact Patañjali does not describe a single pose — unless you count meditation as a pose. So what does he write about in those 196 sutras? Patañjali provides advice for how to live a meaningful life that aligns the body, mind, and spirit.