body scan

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Connect to the present moment. Explore the depths of your consciousness. Discover the peace and clarity that arises from simply being in pure awareness.

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One kind of meditation that has been show to be effective for reducing stress is a form of mindfulness meditation called body scan meditation, in which the practitioner focuses their attention on the various parts of their body. Body scan meditation is one of the techniques that the Buddha taught and it continues to be taught in many different present-day settings. Body scan meditation — which can be performed sitting, lying down, or in other positions — is frequently used in mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR) programs.

More information about body scan meditations is available at To leave a comment about this episode, visit The theme music is "Maxixe" performed by Edson Lopes under CC BY 3.0.

Man in green shirt and blue knit cap sitting on floor
Photo by Mulyadi
When we encounter difficulties in the pursuit of our most important goals, we must decide to either continue our pursuit or give up. These moments when we must make a choice are called "action crises." At these key points in our life, people make lists of pros and cons, talk to trusted friends and family, or perhaps carve out some time alone to just think. Another method for coping with goal-related difficulties is to practice body scan meditation.

Stress is a physical and emotional reaction that people experience as they encounter changes in life. Stress is a normal feeling. However, long-term stress may contribute to, or worsen, a range of health problems including digestive disorders, headaches, sleep disorders, and other symptoms. Stress may worsen asthma and has been linked to depression, anxiety, and other mental illnesses.

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This meditation includes a centering exercise, some simple breathing exercises (pranayama), and other practices to help promote relaxation.

To leave a comment about this episode, visit The theme music is "Maxixe" performed by Edson Lopes under CC BY 3.0.
Episode Number
Body scanning meditations can be effective in helping you return to a relaxed state. A body scan is a simple process that involves moving your attention through all parts of the body. This method helps to train your mind to be present with both pleasant and unpleasant sensations. This simple practice is associated with a wide variety of physical and mental benefits, such as reduced tension and decreased stress.

To leave a comment about this episode, visit The theme music is "Maxixe" performed by Edson Lopes under CC BY 3.0.
Episode Number
In this episode of Pretty Good Meditation, we practice a well-known meditation technique called the body scan.

To leave a comment about this episode, visit The theme music is "Maxixe" performed by Edson Lopes under CC BY 3.0.