Going Plastic Free Again
Plastic Free July is a global movement that helps millions of people be part of the solution to plastic pollution – so we can have cleaner streets, oceans, and beautiful communities.
Once again I accepted the challenge this month and so far it is going well. This time around feels easier because it mostly has involved re-committing in some areas where I had started to allow some single-use plastic into our house. For instance, I'm back to more consistently peeling carrots and making my own hummus rather than buying bags of baby carrots and plastic containers of hummus.

The main difference for me is consistency. I'm biking more frequently to our local food co-op and getting smaller loads in my backpack, which takes a lot more time than driving to our local grocery store and filling up the trunk of the car. I'm planning more meals and selecting the reusable containers I need before I leave on my bike so I can buy food exclusively from the produce and bulk food sections of co-op.
Participating in Plastic Free July is not like a committing to a strict moral code, which can lead to guilt, and more like practicing conscious decision-making based on yoga's ethical guides to living (yamas and niyamas).
Would you like to join me and be part of Plastic Free July by choosing to refuse single-use plastics?
Reclaim Your Attention Online
In case you did not see the print version, my article from the recent issue of MN Yoga + Life Magazine was posted online today:
We live in a world where human attention is a high-value commodity. Innumerable notifications, dings, and vibrations compete for our attention. Our ability to stay focused has decreased. Humans now have a shorter attention span than goldfish.
Our problems are not especially new. For a long time, people struggled with attention. Fortunately, a significant body of research confirms what yogis knew for thousands of years: yoga improves concentration.
Read the full article, "Reclaim Your Attention," on their blog: