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A grey bench in grass with trees off in the distance
There’s a bench on my regular walking route, a spot that seems to beckon for a pause and a moment of reflection. Yet, despite its inviting presence, I often walk by it. I always seem to come up with an excuse. A principle from Patanjali’s teachings emphasizes the importance of consistent practice and detachment from ideal outcomes. It suggests that even if conditions aren’t perfect, our dedication and effort in practicing mindfulness or taking moments for ourselves are what truly matter. It’s about making the best use of the opportunities we have, rather than waiting for everything to be just right.
a meditation bench in a room with lots of windows overlooking a marsh on beautiful sunny day
When you step into a yoga class, you might expect a focus on perfect poses or ideal wellness. However, I believe the essence of yoga isn’t about flawless postures or achieving a specific body shape — it’s about connecting with yourself and others in a meaningful way. It’s about investigating the nature of reality. This describes a few key aspects of my approach.
yoga class with a diverse group of people standing in high lunge
Many styles of yoga have stress-alleviating benefits. Ultimately, what works best comes down to individual needs and preferences. This article explores six science-backed types of yoga that have helped me cultivate more peacefulness and ease: Kripalu Yoga, Restorative Yoga, Yoga Nidra, Hatha Yoga, Vinyasa Yoga, and Trauma-Informed Yoga.
woman sitting at a laptop with her hands on her head staring at a screen
Yoga, an ancient practice originating in India, has evolved from a spiritual pursuit to a widely touted method for enhancing physical health. But as a 2023 global study of yoga by Yoga Alliance revealed, “stress relief” has replaced “flexibility” as the primary motivator for people to embrace yoga. But does yoga truly have the power to relieve stress? This article explores the role of breath control, physical postures, and yogic meditation for stress reduction, and offers practical tips for beginning a yoga practice for stress relief.
The word Kripalu in orange

When people ask me what style of yoga I teach or where I learned yoga, I proudly identify as a "Kripalu Yoga Teacher." When I completed my RYT-500 yoga teacher training at the Kripalu Center for Yoga & Health in Massachusetts, I earned this designation. More than just factually correct, I feel connected to the Kripalu lineage and I teach most of my classes as Kripalu Yoga.

Artistic rendering of the word create by Tim Mossholder
When people go to a yoga class, they typically expect the instructor to teach them yoga. While this may seem utterly obvious, this is, in some respects, an unreasonable expectation. Yoga teachers can't really teach people yoga. We can offer postures, breathwork, meditation, relaxation, and advice about how to practice, but each yoga student must find their own way. Each of us must, in a sense, teach ourselves yoga.