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A small Buddha status surround by cables, boxes, and other little gadgets
A key aspect of yoga practice is exploring the vital space between stimulus and response. Even when we begin our day with meditation and yoga to cultivate mindfulness, the chaos of work can easily disrupt our tranquility. To counter this, I share some practical reminders that encourage me to take intentional pauses throughout the day. By embracing these mindfulness techniques, I’ve discovered ways to navigate my daily life with greater awareness and respond thoughtfully. I invite you to explore your own strategies for fostering presence and freedom in your routine.
artwork by crafterall with the words just one breath
Artwork by Crafterall
In any moment, you have an opportunity to pause, reflect, and pay attention from the beginning to the end of one inhalation. Or one exhalation. You don't need to commit to any more. Yoga teaches us that there is nothing you need to grasp. This article explores the benefits of one-breath meditation and offers suggestions for how to practice (hint: it's very easy!) and how to remember to pause.
A picture of magzine with an article titled reclaim your attention by matthew tift
I have been thinking a lot about attention recently. "Reclaim Your Attention" is the title of my article in the current issue of MN Yoga + Life Magazine and the workshop I will be offering at the MN Yoga Conference next month. With both of those, I focus on using techniques such as yoga, meditation, breathwork, and chanting to improve attention. Here I'd like to mention one way I have been using software to help pay attention.