
Map of Wisconsin

This is not a how-to article. This is more the story of how I found out why making even a simple map is so darn complex, and why ultimately I plan to rebuild the map I made. Going from an idea to an end product is no simple task. In this case, my idea concerns the distribution of WPR pledges throughout the state of Wisconsin by zip code. I am curious about which areas of the state (and country) produce the most revenue. I'm not exactly sure what I will do with this information, although I have a few ideas.

PRESS RELEASE: For Immediate Release

Madison, WI (November 2004) – Lisette Kielson, Artistic Director of the Madison-based chamber group L’Ensemble Portique, collaborates with Matthew Tift, UW-Madison musicologist and AIDS activist, to present “Positive Music: Musical Responses to HIV/AIDS” on Saturday, December 4 at 7:30 p.m. at the First Unitarian Society Meeting House, 900 University Bay Drive, Madison. Tickets are $10 and available at the door. Proceeds from this event go directly to AIDS Network of Madison.